
HOSv4 RX63NをHEW で味見してみる

以前 HOS V4 RX62Nを試したが
その時は http://sourceforge.jp/forum/message.php?msg_id=57491
このコードは タスクスイッチのトリガーにRX62Nの SWINTR機能を使っています(Cortex-M3 PendSV命令相当)。
今回 http://sourceforge.jp/cvs/view/hos/hos/hos-v4/ の本家に RX600(RX621?)のコードが取り込まれたので、これを試します。 今回のコードでは RX621 の SWINTR機能は使われていません。
せっかくなので、 HEW環境で動作確認したい。

src/rx600/rxc/pacctx.src hew版
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 ;/* Hyper Operating System V4 μITRON4.0仕様 Real-Time OS         */  
 ;/*  プロセッサ抽象化コンポーネント (Renesas RX用)              */  
 ;/*                                     */  
 ;/*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2012 by Project HOS */  
 ;/*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
                     .glb     _hospac_ini_sys               ;/* 初期化 */  
                     .glb     _hospac_dis_int               ;/* 割り込み禁止 */  
                     .glb     _hospac_ena_int               ;/* 割り込み許可 */  
                     .glb     _hospac_cre_ctx_asm          ;/* 実行コンテキストの作成 */  
                     .glb     _hospac_swi_ctx               ;/* 実行コンテキストの切替 */  
                     .glb     _hospac_sh_imsk  
 ; プロセッサ抽象化コンポーネントの初期化  
 ; void hospac_ini_sys(void)  
                     .section P,CODE,ALIGN=4  
                     .align     4  
 ; 割り込み禁止  
 ; void hospac_dis_int(void)  
                     .align     4  
                     ;mvfc     psw, r1  
                     ;bclr     #16, r1                    ;/* I bit clr 割り込みdisable */  
                     ;mvtc     r1, psw  
                     clrpsw i  
 ; 割り込み許可  
 ; void hospac_ena_int(void)  
                     .align     4  
                     mov.l     #0f0ffffffh, r1          ;/* IPL[3:0]=0 */  
                     mvfc     psw, r2  
                     and          r1, r2                    ;/* 割り込みマスク値以外を取得 */  
                     mov.l     #_hospac_sh_imsk, r1  
                     mov.l     [r1], r1  
                     or          r1, r2                    ;/* 割り込みマスクの値を設定 */  
                     mvtc     r2, psw  
                     setpsw     i                         ;/* I bit set */  
 ; 実行コンテキストエントリーアドレス  
                     .align 4  
                     mov.l     r7, r1                    ;/* 実行時パラメータを第一引数に設定 !!!レジスタ確認*/  
                     jmp          r6                         ;/* 実行アドレスにジャンプ !!!レジスタ確認*/  
 ; 実行コンテキストの作成  
 ; void hospac_cre_ctx_asm(  
 ;           T_HOSPAC_CTXINF *pk_ctxinf,     作成するコンテキスト  
 ;           VP      sp,                          スタックポインタ  
 ;           void     (*task)(VP_INT),          実行アドレス  
 ;           VP_INT exinf)                         実行時パラメータ  
                     .align 4  
                     mov.l     #ctx_entry, r5          ;/* 実行エントリポイントをコンテキストの */  
                     mov.l     r5, [-r2]               ;/* スタックに保存 */  
                     add      #-28, r2               ;/* r8-14分コンテキストのstackを伸ばす */  
                     mov.l     r4, [-r2]               ;/* 実行パラメータの格納(r7) */  
                     mov.l     r3, [-r2]               ;/* 実行アドレスの格納(r6) */  
                     mov.l     r2, 0[r1]                ;/* コンテキストのスタックポインタ保存 */  
 ; 実行コンテキストの切替  
 ; void hospac_swi_ctx(  
 ;          T_HOSPAC_CTXINF *pk_pre_ctxinf,     現在のコンテキストの保存先  
 ;          T_HOSPAC_CTXINF *pk_nxt_ctxinf)     切り替えるコンテキスト  
                     .align 4  
                     pushm     r6-r14          ;/* r6-r14を退避 !!!使用レジスタが合っているか確認*/  
                     mov.l      r0, 0[r1]     ;/* スタックポインタ保存 */  
                     mov.l      0[r2], r0     ;/* スタックポインタ復帰 */  
                     popm     r6-r14          ;/* r6-r14を復帰 !!!使用レジスタが合っているか確認*/  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 ;/* Copyright (C) 1998-2012 by Project HOS                 */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  

src/rx600/rxc/pacint.src hew版
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 ;/* Hyper Operating System V4 μITRON4.0仕様 Real-Time OS         */  
 ;/*  プロセッサ抽象化コンポーネント (Renesas RX用)              */  
 ;/*  割り込みハンドラ                           */  
 ;/*                                     */  
 ;/*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2012 by Project HOS */  
 ;/*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
                     .glb     _hospac_sh_imsk  
                     .glb     _hospac_sh_imsk_base  
                     .glb     _kernel_int_cnt  
                     .glb     _kernel_exe_int  
                     .glb     _kernel_end_int  
                     .glb     _kernel_int_ssp  
                     .glb     _kernel_sta_int  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter000  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter001  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter002  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter003  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter004  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter005  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter006  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter007  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter008  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter009  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter010  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter011  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter012  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter013  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter014  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter015  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter016  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter017  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter018  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter019  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter020  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter021  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter022  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter023  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter024  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter025  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter026  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter027  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter028  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter029  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter030  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter031  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter032  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter033  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter034  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter035  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter036  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter037  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter038  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter039  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter040  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter041  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter042  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter043  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter044  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter045  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter046  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter047  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter048  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter049  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter050  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter051  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter052  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter053  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter054  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter055  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter056  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter057  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter058  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter059  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter060  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter061  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter062  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter063  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter064  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter065  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter066  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter067  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter068  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter069  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter070  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter071  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter072  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter073  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter074  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter075  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter076  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter077  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter078  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter079  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter080  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter081  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter082  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter083  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter084  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter085  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter086  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter087  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter088  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter089  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter090  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter091  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter092  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter093  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter094  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter095  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter096  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter097  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter098  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter099  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter100  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter101  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter102  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter103  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter104  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter105  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter106  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter107  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter108  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter109  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter110  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter111  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter112  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter113  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter114  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter115  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter116  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter117  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter118  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter119  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter120  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter121  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter122  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter123  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter124  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter125  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter126  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter127  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter128  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter129  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter130  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter131  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter132  
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                     .glb     _hos_vecter134  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter135  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter136  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter137  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter138  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter139  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter140  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter141  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter142  
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                     .glb     _hos_vecter144  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter145  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter146  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter147  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter148  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter149  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter150  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter151  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter152  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter153  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter154  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter155  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter156  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter157  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter158  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter159  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter160  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter161  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter162  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter163  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter164  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter165  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter166  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter167  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter168  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter169  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter170  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter171  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter172  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter173  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter174  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter175  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter176  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter177  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter178  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter179  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter180  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter181  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter182  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter183  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter184  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter185  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter186  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter187  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter188  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter189  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter190  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter191  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter192  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter193  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter194  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter195  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter196  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter197  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter198  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter199  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter200  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter201  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter202  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter203  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter204  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter205  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter206  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter207  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter208  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter209  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter210  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter211  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter212  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter213  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter214  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter215  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter216  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter217  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter218  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter219  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter220  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter221  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter222  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter223  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter224  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter225  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter226  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter227  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter228  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter229  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter230  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter231  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter232  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter233  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter234  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter235  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter236  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter237  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter238  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter239  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter240  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter241  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter242  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter243  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter244  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter245  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter246  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter247  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter248  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter249  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter250  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter251  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter252  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter253  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter254  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter255  
                     .section P,CODE,ALIGN=4  
 ; 割り込みハンドラ  
 _hos_vecter000:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #0, R4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter001:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #1, R4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter002:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #2, R4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter003:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #3, R4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter004:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #4, R4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter005:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #5, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter006:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #6, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter007:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #7, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter008:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #8, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter009:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #9, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter010:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #10, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter011:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #11, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter012:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #12, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter013:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #13, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter014:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #14, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter015:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #15, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter016:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #16, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter017:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #17, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter018:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #18, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter019:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #19, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter020:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #20, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter021:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #21, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter022:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #22, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter023:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #23, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter024:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #24, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter025:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #25, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter026:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #26, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter027:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #27, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter028:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #28, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter029:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #29, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter030:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #30, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter031:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #31, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter032:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #32, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter033:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #33, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter034:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #34, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter035:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #35, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter036:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #36, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter037:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #37, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter038:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #38, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter039:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #39, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter040:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #40, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter041:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #41, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter042:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #42, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter043:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #43, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter044:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #44, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter045:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #45, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter046:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #46, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter047:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #47, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter048:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #48, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter049:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #49, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter050:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #50, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter051:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #51, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter052:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #52, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter053:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #53, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter054:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #54, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter055:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #55, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter056:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #56, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter057:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #57, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter058:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #58, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter059:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #59, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter060:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #60, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter061:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #61, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter062:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #62, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter063:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #63, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter064:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #64, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter065:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #65, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter066:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #66, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter067:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #67, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter068:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #68, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter069:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #69, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter070:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #70, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter071:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #71, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter072:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #72, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter073:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #73, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter074:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #74, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter075:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #75, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter076:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #76, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter077:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #77, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter078:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #78, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter079:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #79, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter080:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #80, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter081:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #81, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter082:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #82, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter083:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #83, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter084:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #84, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter085:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #85, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter086:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #86, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter087:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #87, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter088:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #88, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter089:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #89, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter090:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #90, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter091:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #91, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter092:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #92, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter093:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #93, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter094:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #94, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter095:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #95, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter096:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #96, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter097:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #97, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter098:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #98, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter099:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #99, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter100:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #100, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter101:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #101, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter102:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #102, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter103:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #103, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter104:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #104, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter105:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #105, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter106:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #106, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter107:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #107, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter108:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #108, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter109:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #109, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter110:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #110, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter111:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #111, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter112:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #112, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter113:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #113, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter114:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #114, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter115:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #115, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter116:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #116, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter117:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #117, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter118:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #118, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter119:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #119, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter120:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #120, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter121:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #121, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter122:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #122, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter123:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #123, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter124:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #124, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter125:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #125, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter126:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #126, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter127:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #127, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter128:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #128, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter129:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #129, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter130:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #130, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter131:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #131, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter132:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #132, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter133:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #133, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter134:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #134, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter135:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #135, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter136:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #136, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter137:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #137, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter138:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #138, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter139:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #139, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter140:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #140, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter141:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #141, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter142:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #142, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter143:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #143, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter144:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #144, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter145:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #145, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter146:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #146, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter147:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #147, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter148:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #148, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter149:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #149, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter150:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #150, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter151:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #151, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter152:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #152, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter153:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #153, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter154:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #154, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter155:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #155, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter156:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #156, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter157:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #157, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter158:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #158, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter159:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #159, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter160:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #160, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter161:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #161, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter162:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #162, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter163:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #163, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter164:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #164, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter165:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #165, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter166:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #166, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter167:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #167, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter168:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #168, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter169:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #169, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter170:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #170, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter171:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #171, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter172:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #172, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter173:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #173, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter174:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #174, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter175:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #175, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter176:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #176, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter177:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #177, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter178:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #178, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter179:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #179, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter180:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #180, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter181:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #181, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter182:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #182, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter183:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #183, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter184:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #184, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter185:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #185, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter186:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #186, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter187:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #187, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter188:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #188, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter189:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #189, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter190:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #190, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter191:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #191, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter192:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #192, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter193:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #193, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter194:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #194, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter195:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #195, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter196:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #196, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter197:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #197, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter198:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #198, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter199:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #199, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter200:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #200, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter201:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #201, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter202:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #202, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter203:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #203, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter204:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #204, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter205:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #205, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter206:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #206, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter207:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #207, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter208:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #208, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter209:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #209, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter210:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #210, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter211:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #211, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter212:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #212, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter213:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #213, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter214:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #214, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter215:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #215, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter216:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #216, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter217:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #217, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter218:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #218, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter219:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #219, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter220:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #220, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter221:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #221, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter222:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #222, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter223:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #223, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter224:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #224, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter225:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #225, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter226:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #226, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter227:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #227, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter228:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #228, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter229:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #229, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter230:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #230, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter231:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #231, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter232:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #232, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter233:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #233, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter234:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #234, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter235:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #235, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter236:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #236, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter237:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #237, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter238:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #238, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter239:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #239, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter240:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #240, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter241:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #241, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter242:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #242, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter243:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #243, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter244:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #244, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter245:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #245, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter246:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #246, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter247:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #247, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter248:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #248, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter249:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #249, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter250:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #250, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter251:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #251, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter252:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #252, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter253:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #253, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter254:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #254, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 _hos_vecter255:     push.l     r4  
                     mov.l          #255, r4  
                     bra          int_handler  
 ; 割り込みハンドラ  
 ; r4をスタックに積んだ後、r4に割り込み番号を  
 ; 格納してここに分岐するものとする  
                     .align     4  
                     ;/* レジスタ退避(r0-r2) */  
                     pushm     r1-r6  
                     pushm     r14-r15  
                     ;/* 割り込みマスク設定 */  
                     mvfc     psw, r1  
                     ;/* mov          r1, r2 */  
                     ;/* or          #0x0f000000, r1     */ /* 割り込み全マスク設定 */  
                     ;/* mvtc          r1, psw */  
                     ;/* 割り込みマスクの保存 */  
                     ;/* mov          r2, r1 */  
                     and          #0f000000h, r1  
                     mov.l     #_hospac_sh_imsk, r2  
                     mov.l     [r2], r6  
                     mov.l     r1, [r2]  
                     ;/* 割り込み番号の符号拡張をクリア */  
                     ;extu.b     r4, r4  
                     ;/* レジスタ保存(r3-r7,mach,macl,pr) */  
                     ;pushm r4-r15  
                     ;/* 多重割り込み判定 */  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_int_cnt, r2  
                     mov.l     [r2], r1  
                     add          #1, r1  
                     cmp     #1, r1  
                     bne     int_multi  
                     ;/* 単独割り込み時 */  
                     mov.l     r1, [r2]                    ;/* 割り込みネスト値を設定 */  
                     ;/* スタック入れ替え */ /* U bit でできないか検討 */  
                ;/* usp を利用しない場合1 begin */  
                     ; mov.l     #_kernel_int_ssp, r1  
                     ; mov.l     r0, [r1]               ;/* 現在のスタックを退避 */  
                     ; mov.l     #_kernel_int_sp, r1  
                     ; mov.l     [r1], r0               ;/* 割り込み用スタックを設定 */  
                ;/* usp利用しない場合1 end */   
                     push.l     r4               ;/* 割り込み番号を退避 */  
                     ;/* 割り込み開始処理呼び出し */  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_sta_int, r2 ;/* 状態変数を書き換え */  
                     jsr          r2  
                     ;/* 割り込み有効にする */  
                     setpsw     i  
                     ;/* 割り込み実行処理呼び出し */  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_exe_int, r2  
                     mov.l     [r0+], r4;/* pop.l */               /* 割り込み番号を引数とする */  
                     mov.l     r4, r1               ;r1がshでのr4かな  
                     jsr          r2  
                ;/* uspを利用しない場合2 begin*/  
                     ;/* スタックの復帰 */  
                     ; mov.l     #_kernel_int_ssp, r1  
                     ; mov.l     [r1], r0  
                ;/* uspを利用しない場合2 end */  
                ;/* uspに変更 uspを利用する場合 */  
                     ;/* 割り込み無効にする */  
                     clrpsw     i  
                     ;/* レジスタ一旦復帰 */  
                     popm     r14-r15  
                     popm     r1-r6  
                     ;/* uspへデータ写し */  
                     pushm     r5-r6;r6 r5  
                     mvfc     usp, r6  
                     mov.l     16[r0], r5;psw  
                     mov.l     r5, [-r6];psw  
                     mov.l     12[r0], r5;pc  
                     mov.l     r5, [-r6];pc  
                     mov.l     8[r0], r5;r4  
                     mov.l     r5, [-r6];r4  
                     mov.l     4[r0], r5;r6  
                     mov.l     r5, [-r6];r6  
                     mov.l     0[r0], r5;r5  
                     mov.l     r5, [-r6];r5  
                     mvtc     r6, usp  
                     add     #20, r0  
                     setpsw u  
                     ;/* uspにレジスタ改めて退避 */  
                     pushm     r1-r4  
                     pushm     r14-r15  
                ;/* uspに変更終わり */       
                     ;/* 割り込みカウンタのクリア */  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_int_cnt, r2  
                     xor          r1, r1  
                     mov.l     r1, [r2]  
                     ;/* ベースマスク値に戻す */  
                     mov.l     #_hospac_sh_imsk_base, r1  
                     mov.l     [r1], r2  
                     mov.l     #_hospac_sh_imsk, r1  
                     mov.l     r2, [r1]  
                     ;/* 割り込み終了処理呼び出し */  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_end_int, r2  
                     jsr          r2  
                     ;/* レジスタ復帰 */  
                     popm     r14-r15  
                     popm     r1-r6  
                     push.l     r1  
                     ;/* 復帰時割り込みマスクの設定 */ /* 復帰時マスク設定の必要性要確認 */  
                     mov.l     #_hospac_sh_imsk, r4  
                     mov.l     [r4], r4                         ;/* マスク値取得 */  
                     mov.l     12[r0], r1  
                     or          r4, r1  
                     mov.l     r1, 12[r0]               ;/* 復帰時SRのマスク設定 */  
                     mov.l     [r0+], r1  
                     mov.l     [r0+], r4  
                     ;/* 多重割り込み処理 */  
                     mov.l     r1, [r2]                    ;/* 割り込みネスト値を設定 */  
                     ;/* 割り込み有効にする */  
                     setpsw     i  
                     ;/* 割り込み実行処理呼び出し */  
                     mov.l     r4, r1  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_exe_int, r2  
                     jsr          r2               ;/* 割り込み番号を引数とする */  
                     ;/* 割り込みカウンタの減算 */  
                     mov.l     #_kernel_int_cnt, r2  
                     mov.l     [r2], r1  
                     add          #-1, r1  
                     mov.l     r1, [r2]  
                     ;/* 割り込み無効にする */  
                     clrpsw      i  
                     ;/* imask 復帰*/  
                     mov.l     #_hospac_sh_imsk, r2  
                     mov.l     r6, [r2]  
                     ;/* レジスタ復帰 */  
                     popm     r14-r15  
                     popm     r1-r6  
                     mov.l     [r0+], r4 ;/* pop.l */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 ;/* Copyright (C) 1998-2012 by Project HOS                 */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  

sample/rx600/system.cfg を修正します。
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Hyper Operating System V4 μITRON4.0仕様 Real-Time OS         */  
 /*  コンフィギュレーションファイル                    */  
 /*                                     */  
 /*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS */  
 /*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* RX63N */  
 #include "user_id.h"  
 /* HOS 独ゥの設定 */  
 HOS_KERNEL_HEAP(4096);          /* カーネルヒープの設定(省略時 0) */  
 HOS_TIM_TIC(1, 1);               /* タイムティックの設定(省略時 1/1 ) */  
 HOS_MAX_TPRI(8);               /* 最大優先度(省略時 16) */  
 HOS_MIN_INTNO(0);               /* 割り込み番号の最小値(省略時 0) */  
 HOS_MAX_INTNO(256);               /* 割り込み番号の最大値(省略時 0) */  
 HOS_MAX_TSKID(16);               /* 最大タスクID番号(省略時静的生成に必要なだけ) */  
 /* インクルードファイルの指定 */  
 /* OSタイマ用 */  
 ATT_ISR({TA_HLNG, 0, IR_CMT0_CMI0, ostim_hdr});  
 ATT_INI({TA_HLNG, 6000 - 1, ostim_init});  
 /* 哲学メ5人分のタスク */  
 CRE_TSK(TSKID_PHILOSOPHER1, {TA_HLNG, 1, PhilosopherTask, 1, 1024, NULL});  
 CRE_TSK(TSKID_PHILOSOPHER2, {TA_HLNG, 2, PhilosopherTask, 1, 512, NULL});  
 CRE_TSK(TSKID_PHILOSOPHER3, {TA_HLNG, 3, PhilosopherTask, 1, 512, NULL});  
 CRE_TSK(TSKID_PHILOSOPHER4, {TA_HLNG, 4, PhilosopherTask, 1, 512, NULL});  
 CRE_TSK(TSKID_PHILOSOPHER5, {TA_HLNG, 5, PhilosopherTask, 1, 512, NULL});  
 /* フォーク5本分のセマフォ */  
 /* 初期化ルーチンの追加 */  
 ATT_INI({TA_HLNG, 0, SampleInitialize});  
 /* システム排他用 */  
 /* SCI用 */  
 ATT_ISR({TA_HLNG, 1, IR_SCI2_TXI2, sci_snd_hdr});  
 ATT_ISR({TA_HLNG, 1, IR_SCI2_RXI2, sci_rcv_hdr});  
 /*ATT_INI({TA_HLNG, 0,     sci_init}); */  
 /* cyc */  
 CRE_CYC(CYC_ID, {TA_HLNG | TA_STA, 0, cyc_test, 500, 0});  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS                 */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  

Borland C++のプリプロセッサを利用して
cpp32.exe -P- -osystem.i system.cfg
hos4cfg.exe system.i

kernel_cfg.c と kernel_id.h が得られます。

sample/rx600/vector.src hew版
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 ;/* Hyper Operating System V4 サンプルプログラム              */  
 ;/*  割り込みベクタテーブル (日立 SH2 gcc 用)               */  
 ;/*                                     */  
 ;/*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS */  
 ;/*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
                     .glb     _hos_vecter000  
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                     .section C$VECT,CODE,ALIGN=4  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter000  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter001  
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                     .lword     _hos_vecter076  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter077  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter078  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter079  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter080  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter081  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter082  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter083  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter084  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter085  
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                     .lword     _hos_vecter164  
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                     .lword     _hos_vecter166  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter167  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter168  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter169  
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                     .lword     _hos_vecter171  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter172  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter173  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter174  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter175  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter176  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter177  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter178  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter179  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter180  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter181  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter182  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter183  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter184  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter185  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter186  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter187  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter188  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter189  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter190  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter191  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter192  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter193  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter194  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter195  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter196  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter197  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter198  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter199  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter200  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter201  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter202  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter203  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter204  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter205  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter206  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter207  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter208  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter209  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter210  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter211  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter212  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter213  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter214  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter215  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter216  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter217  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter218  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter219  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter220  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter221  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter222  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter223  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter224  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter225  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter226  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter227  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter228  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter229  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter230  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter231  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter232  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter233  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter234  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter235  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter236  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter237  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter238  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter239  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter240  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter241  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter242  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter243  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter244  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter245  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter246  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter247  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter248  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter249  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter250  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter251  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter252  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter253  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter254  
                     .lword     _hos_vecter255  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 ;/* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS                 */  
 ;/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  

 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Hyper Operating System V4 サンプルプログラム              */  
 /*  OS用タイマ                               */  
 /*                                     */  
 /*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS */  
 /*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 #include <machine.h>  
 #include "kernel.h"  
 #include "iodefine.h"  
 #include "ostimer.h"  
 /* OS用タイマ初期化 */  
 ostim_init (VP_INT exinf)  
  /* タイマ初期化 */  
  SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xA503;  
  MSTP (CMT0) = 0;       /* CMT0モジュールストップ状態解除 */  
  SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xA500;  
  CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 0;   /* CMT0カウント動作停止 */  
  CMT0.CMCR.WORD = 0x0040;   /* PCLK/8でカウント */  
  CMT0.CMCNT = 0;        /* タイマカウンタ初期化 */  
  CMT0.CMCOR = (UH) (INT) exinf;    /* CMTコンスタントレジスタ設定 */  
  IPR (CMT0, CMI0) = 7;   /* CMT0 CMI0割り込み優先レベル設定 */  
  IEN (CMT0, CMI0) = 1;     /* CMT0 CMI0割込み要求許可 */  
  CMT.CMSTR0.BIT.STR0 = 1;   /* CMT0カウント動作開始 */  
 /* 割り込みハンドラサンプル */  
 ostim_hdr (VP_INT exinf)    /* OSタイマ用ハンドラ */  
  IR(CMT0, CMI0) = 0;  
  isig_tim ();         /* タイムティックの供給 */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS                 */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  

 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* RX63N SCI制御                             */  
 /*                                     */  
 /*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS */  
 /*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 #include "kernel.h"  
 #include "kernel_id.h"  
 #include "iodefine.h"  
 #include "sci.h"  
 #include "stmfifo.h"  
 /* SCI制御クラス */  
 typedef struct t_sci  
  ID flgid_snd;  
  ID semid_rcv;  
  T_STMFIFO sndfifo;  
  T_STMFIFO rcvfifo;  
  UB sndbuf[SCI_SND_BUFSZ];  
  UB rcvbuf[SCI_RCV_BUFSZ];  
 T_SCI scicb_tbl[1];  
 /* 初期化 */  
 sci_init (VP_INT exinf)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xA503;  /* */  
  MSTP (SCI2) = 0;       /* Enable module */  
  SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xA500;  /* */  
  SCI2.SCR.BYTE = 0;      /* シリアルコントロールレジスタクリア */  
  PORT1.PMR.BIT.B3 = 0;  
  PORT1.PMR.BIT.B2 = 0;  
  MPC.PWPR.BIT.B0WI = 0;  
  MPC.P13PFS.BYTE = 10;     /* P13 TXD2 */  
  MPC.P12PFS.BYTE = 10;     /* P12 RXD2 */  
  PORT1.PMR.BIT.B3 = 1;  
  PORT1.PMR.BIT.B2 = 1;  
  PORT1.PDR.BIT.B3 = 1;     /* TXD2 is output */  
  PORT1.PDR.BIT.B2 = 0;     /* RXD2 is input */  
  scicb_tbl[0].flgid_snd = FLGID_SCI1_SND;  
  scicb_tbl[0].semid_rcv = SEMID_SCI1_RCV;  
  /* 割り込みレベルの設定 */  
  IPR (SCI2, RXI2) = 1;  
  IEN (SCI2, RXI2) = 1;  
  IEN (SCI2, TXI2) = 1;  
 /* オープン */  
 sci_open (ID id, UB brr)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  INT i;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  /* 送受信用FIFOバッファ生成 */  
  stmfifo_cre_fifo (&scicb->sndfifo, scicb->sndbuf, SCI_SND_BUFSZ);  
  stmfifo_cre_fifo (&scicb->rcvfifo, scicb->rcvbuf, SCI_RCV_BUFSZ);  
  /* 初期化 */  
  SCI2.SCR.BIT.CKE = 0;     /* シリアルコントロールレジスタクリア */  
  SCI2.SMR.BYTE = 0;      /* シリアルモードレジスタクリア */  
  SCI2.SCMR.BYTE = 0;      /* */  
  SCI2.SEMR.BYTE = 0;      /* */  
  SCI2.BRR = brr;  
  SCI2.SCR.BIT.TEIE = 0;    /* Enable TEND interrupt flag */  
  SCI2.SCR.BIT.RIE = 1;     /* Enable RX interrupt flag */  
  SCI2.SCR.BIT.RE = 1;     /* Enable */  
  SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 0;     /* Enable TX interrupt flag */  
  SCI2.SCR.BIT.TE = 1;     /* Enable */  
 /* クローズ */  
 sci_close (ID id)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  /* SCIの停止 */  
  SCI2.SCR.BYTE = 0;      /* シリアルコントロールレジスタクリア */  
  /* バッファ破棄 */  
  stmfifo_del_fifo (&scicb->sndfifo);  
  stmfifo_del_fifo (&scicb->rcvfifo);  
 sci_trend_chk (ID id)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  if (stmfifo_emp_chk (&scicb->sndfifo) != E_OK)  
    return E_OK;  
    return E_TMOUT;  
 /* 1文字出力 */  
 sci_putc (ID id, UB chr)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  FLGPTN flgptn;  
  UB c ;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  /* *RX_PEDR |= 0x10; !!!not need? */  
   if (chr == '\0')  
    return -1;  
   //SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 0;  
      if(SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE == 0){  
       if (stmfifo_rcv_chr (&scicb->sndfifo, &c) == E_OK){  
                  SCI2.TDR = c;  
              SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 1;  
      while (stmfifo_snd_chr (&scicb->sndfifo, chr) != E_OK)  
    clr_flg (scicb->flgid_snd, 0xfffe);  
    wai_flg (scicb->flgid_snd, 1, TWF_ANDW, &flgptn);  
 /* 文字列出力 */  
 sci_puts (ID id, const UB * str)  
  char c;  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  if (*str == '\0')  
    return -1;  
   //SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 0;  
    if(SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE == 0){  
            if (stmfifo_rcv_chr (&scicb->sndfifo, &c) == E_OK){  
                  SCI2.TDR = c;  
               SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 1;  
  while (*str)  
    c = *str++;  
    while (stmfifo_snd_chr (&scicb->sndfifo, c) != E_OK)  
      clr_flg (scicb->flgid_snd, 0xfffe);  
      wai_flg (scicb->flgid_snd, 1, TWF_ANDW, NULL);  
   return 0;  
 /* 1文字入力 */  
 sci_getc (ID id)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  UB c;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  wai_sem (scicb->semid_rcv);  
  stmfifo_rcv_chr (&scicb->rcvfifo, &c);  
  return (ER_UINT) c;  
 /* 文字列入力 */  
 sci_gets (ID id, UB * str)  
  INT i;  
  UB c;  
  for (i = 0;; i++)  
    c = sci_getc (id);  
    if (c == '\r')  
    str[i] = c;  
  str[i] = '\0';  
  return i;  
 /* 送信割り込みハンドラ */  
 sci_snd_hdr (VP_INT exinf)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  ID id;  
  UB c;  
  id = (ID) exinf;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  /* *RX_PEDR |= 0x01; !!! */  
  /* 送信FIFOから取り出し */  
  if (stmfifo_rcv_chr (&scicb->sndfifo, &c) != E_OK)  
    /* 送信割り込み停止 */ //問題なければここには来ない  
       SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 0;  
  /* 1キャラクタ送信 */  
  SCI2.TDR = c;  
  /* 送信可能フラグセット */  
  iset_flg (scicb->flgid_snd, 1);  
  if (stmfifo_emp_chk (&scicb->sndfifo) != E_OK)  
     /* 送信割り込み停止 */  
           SCI2.SCR.BIT.TIE = 0;  
 /* 受信割り込みハンドラ */  
 sci_rcv_hdr (VP_INT exinf)  
  T_SCI *scicb;  
  ID id;  
  UB c;  
  id = (ID) exinf;  
  scicb = &scicb_tbl[id - 1];  
  /* 1キャラクタ受信 */  
  c = SCI2.RDR;  
  SCI2.SCR.BYTE &= ~0x38;  
  /* 受信FIFOバッファに追加 */  
  if (stmfifo_snd_chr (&scicb->rcvfifo, c) == E_OK)  
    sig_sem (scicb->semid_rcv);  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS                 */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  

 #include <machine.h>  
 #include "iodefine.h"  
 HardwareSetup (void)  
  int i;  
  /* Protect off. */  
  SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xA50b;  
  /* Wait 2 cycles Extal */  
  /* PLL wait */  
  /* PLL OFF */  
  SYSTEM.PLLCR2.BYTE = 0x01;  
  /* x16 @PLL */  
  /* EXTAL ON */  
  /* PLL ON */  
  SYSTEM.PLLCR2.BYTE = 0x00;  
  for (i = 0; i < 0x168; i++)  
   nop ();  
  SYSTEM.SCKCR.LONG = 0x21c21211;    /* OK */  
  SYSTEM.SCKCR2.WORD = 0x0033;  
  SYSTEM.SCKCR3.WORD = 0x0400; /* PLL */  
  SYSTEM.PRCR.WORD = 0xA500;  
 /* PA0 */  
  PORTA.PMR.BIT.B0 = 0;  
  PORTA.PDR.BIT.B0 = 1;  
  PORTA.PODR.BIT.B0 = 1;  
 /* PA1 */  
  PORTA.PMR.BIT.B1 = 0;  
  PORTA.PDR.BIT.B1 = 1;  
  PORTA.PODR.BIT.B1 = 0;  
 /* PA2 */  
  PORTA.PMR.BIT.B2 = 0;  
  PORTA.PDR.BIT.B2 = 1;  
  PORTA.PODR.BIT.B2 = 0;  
 /* PA6 */  
  PORTA.PMR.BIT.B6 = 0;  
  PORTA.PDR.BIT.B6 = 1;  
  PORTA.PODR.BIT.B6 = 0;  
 /* PA7 */  
  PORTA.PMR.BIT.B7 = 0;  
  PORTA.PDR.BIT.B7 = 0;  
 /*                                   */  
 /* FILE    :intprg.c                       */  
 /* DATE    :Wed, Aug 01, 2012                   */  
 /* DESCRIPTION :Interrupt Program                   */  
 /* CPU TYPE  :RX63N                         */  
 /*                                   */  
 /* This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.52).  */  
 /* NOTE:THIS IS A TYPICAL EXAMPLE.                  */  
 /*                                   */  
 * Device   : RX/RX600/RX63N  
 * File Name : intprg.c  
 * Abstract  : Interrupt Program.  
 * History  : 0.10 (2011-02-21) [Hardware Manual Revision : 0.01]  
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation.  
 * and Renesas Solutions Corp.  
 #include <machine.h>  
 #include "vect.h"  
 #pragma section IntPRG  
 // Exception(Supervisor Instruction)  
 void Excep_SuperVisorInst(void){/* brk(); */}  
 // Exception(Undefined Instruction)  
 void Excep_UndefinedInst(void){/* brk(); */}  
 // Exception(Floating Point)  
 void Excep_FloatingPoint(void){/* brk(); */}  
 // NMI  
 void NonMaskableInterrupt(void){/* brk(); */}  
 // Dummy  
 void Dummy(void){/* brk(); */}  
 /*                                   */  
 /* FILE    :resetprg.c                      */  
 /* DATE    :Wed, Aug 01, 2012                   */  
 /* DESCRIPTION :Reset Program                     */  
 /* CPU TYPE  :RX63N                         */  
 /*                                   */  
 /* This file is generated by Renesas Project Generator (Ver.4.52).  */  
 /* NOTE:THIS IS A TYPICAL EXAMPLE.                  */  
 /*                                   */  
 * Device   : RX/RX600  
 * File Name : resetprg.c  
 * Abstract  : Reset Program.  
 * History  : 1.00 (2009-08-07)  
 *      : 1.10 (2011-02-21)  
 * Copyright (C) 2009 (2011) Renesas Electronics Corporation.  
 * and Renesas Solutions Corp.  
 #include     <machine.h>  
 #include     <_h_c_lib.h>  
 //#include   <stddef.h>                   // Remove the comment when you use errno  
 //#include   <stdlib.h>                   // Remove the comment when you use rand()  
 #include     "typedefine.h" // Define Types  
 #include     "stacksct.h"  // Stack Sizes (Interrupt and User)  
 #ifdef __cplusplus  
 extern "C"  
  void PowerON_Reset (void);  
  void main (void);  
 #ifdef __cplusplus  
 //#ifdef __cplusplus              // Use SIM I/O  
 //extern "C" {  
 //extern void _INIT_IOLIB(void);  
 //extern void _CLOSEALL(void);  
 //#ifdef __cplusplus  
 #define PSW_init 0x00030000  // PSW bit pattern  
 #define FPSW_init 0x00000000  // FPSW bit base pattern  
 //extern void srand(_UINT);       // Remove the comment when you use rand()  
 //extern _SBYTE *_s1ptr;                // Remove the comment when you use strtok()  
 #ifdef __cplusplus       // Use Hardware Setup  
 extern "C"  
  extern void HardwareSetup (void);  
 #ifdef __cplusplus  
 //#ifdef __cplusplus          // Remove the comment when you use global class object  
 //extern "C" {                 // Sections C$INIT and C$END will be generated  
 //extern void _CALL_INIT(void);  
 //extern void _CALL_END(void);  
 //#ifdef __cplusplus  
 //unsigned long kernel_int_sp;  
 #pragma section ResetPRG    // output PowerON_Reset to PResetPRG section  
 #pragma entry PowerON_Reset  
 PowerON_Reset (void)  
  set_intb (__sectop ("C$VECT"));  
 #ifdef __ROZ          // Initialize FPSW  
 #define _ROUND 0x00000001    // Let FPSW RMbits=01 (round to zero)  
 #define _ROUND 0x00000000    // Let FPSW RMbits=00 (round to nearest)  
 #ifdef __DOFF  
 #define _DENOM 0x00000100    // Let FPSW DNbit=1 (denormal as zero)  
 #define _DENOM 0x00000000    // Let FPSW DNbit=0 (denormal as is)  
 //   set_fpsw(FPSW_init | _ROUND | _DENOM);  
  _INITSCT ();  
 //   _INIT_IOLIB();                 // Use SIM I/O  
 //   errno=0;                        // Remove the comment when you use errno  
 //   srand((_UINT)1);                    // Remove the comment when you use rand()  
 //   _s1ptr=NULL;                  // Remove the comment when you use strtok()  
  HardwareSetup ();       // Use Hardware Setup  
  nop ();  
 //   _CALL_INIT();                  // Remove the comment when you use global class object  
  set_psw (PSW_init);      // Set Ubit & Ibit for PSW  
 //   chg_pmusr();                  // Remove the comment when you need to change PSW PMbit (SuperVisor->User)  
  main ();  
 //   _CLOSEALL();                  // Use SIM I/O  
 //   _CALL_END();                  // Remove the comment when you use global class object  
  brk ();  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Hyper Operating System V4 サンプルプログラム              */  
 /*  いわゆる哲学者の食事の問題                       */  
 /*                                     */  
 /*                 Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS */  
 /*                 http://sourceforge.jp/projects/hos/   */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 #include <stdio.h>  
 #include <stdlib.h>  
 #include "kernel.h"  
 #include "kernel_id.h"  
 #include "user_id.h"  
 #include "iodefine.h"  
 #include "sci.h"  
 #include "sample.h"  
 #define SCIID               ID_SCI1  
 #define LEFT_FORK(id)     ((id) % 5 + 1)  
 #define RIGHT_FORK(id)     (id)  
 void SetLed (INT id);      /* 対応のLED点灯 */  
 void ResetLed (INT id);     /* 対応LDEの消灯 */  
 int led = 0;  
 /* メイン関数 */  
 main ()  
  /* I/O の初期化 */  
  sci_init (1);  
  sci_open (1, 12);  
  /* HOS-V4 の開始 */  
  sta_hos ();  
  chg_imsk (0);  
  hospac_ena_int ();  
  return 0;  
 /* ATT_INI 登録の関数 */  
 SampleInitialize (VP_INT exinf)  
  /* タスク起動 */  
  act_tsk (TSKID_PHILOSOPHER1);  
  act_tsk (TSKID_PHILOSOPHER2);  
  act_tsk (TSKID_PHILOSOPHER3);  
  act_tsk (TSKID_PHILOSOPHER4);  
  act_tsk (TSKID_PHILOSOPHER5);  
 ELLOOP (VP_INT exinf)  
  while (1);  
 /* 哲学者タスク */  
 PhilosopherTask (VP_INT exinf)  
  INT id;  
  INT i;  
  id = (INT) exinf;  
  wai_sem( SEMID_SCI1_SND );  
  sci_puts(1, "abcd1234sssssssssssssssssss ");  
  sci_putc(1, 0x30|(UB)id);  
  sci_puts(1,    " sssssssssssssssssss1234\r\n");  
  /* 超お馬鹿アルゴリズム */  
  for (;;)  
    /* 適当な時間悩んでみる */  
    for (i = rand () % 10 + 5; i > 0; i--)  
      /* 点滅させる */  
      SetLed (id);  
      dly_tsk (100);  
      ResetLed (id);  
      dly_tsk (100);  
    /* 左右のフォークを取る */  
    for (;;)  
      wai_sem (LEFT_FORK (id));  
      if (pol_sem (RIGHT_FORK (id)) == E_OK)  
      sig_sem (LEFT_FORK (id));  
      dly_tsk ((rand () % 10 + 1) * 10);  /* 適当に待つ */  
    /* お食事中 */  
    SetLed (id);       /* 点灯させる */  
    dly_tsk (1000);  
    ResetLed (id);  
    /* フォークを放す */  
    sig_sem (LEFT_FORK (id));  
    sig_sem (RIGHT_FORK (id));  
 cyc_test (VP_INT exinf)  
  static char blink;  
  wai_sem (SEMID_SYSCS);  
  PORTA.PODR.BIT.B6 = blink;  
  sig_sem (SEMID_SYSCS);  
 /* 対応のLED点灯 */  
 SetLed (INT id)  
  wai_sem (SEMID_SYSCS);  
  PORTA.PODR.BYTE &= ~(0x01 << (id - 1));  
  sig_sem (SEMID_SYSCS);  
 /* 対応LDEの消灯 */  
 ResetLed (INT id)  
  wai_sem (SEMID_SYSCS);  
  PORTA.PODR.BYTE |= (0x01 << (id - 1));  
  sig_sem (SEMID_SYSCS);  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
 /* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Project HOS                 */  
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */  
sample/rx600/dbsct.c HEWで生成したもの
sample/rx600/vect.c HEWで生成したもの
sample/rx600/vecttbl.c HEWで生成したもの
sample/rx600/iodefine.h HEWで生成したもの
sample/rx600/stacksct.h HEWで生成したもの
sample/rx600/typedefine.h HEWで生成したもの
sample/rx600/ostimer.h そのまま
sample/rx600/sci.h そのまま
sample/rx600/stmfifot.c そのまま
sample/rx600/stmfifot.h そのまま
sample/rx600/crt0.s 削除

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